Foldings Project Proposal
Cape Town Art Fair

When, Mass MoCA, 2019, Mass MoCA, North Adams, Massachusetts.

Maquettes for upcoming solo exhibition at Mass MoCA, 2019. Studies for Genuflections, 2018, Tankwa Karoo Desert.

Lament (Exploded Geographies), 2018, Biennale De Dakar, Dakar, Senegal .


A number of Moe’s Memorial Collapse V (2006-2007) works have been acquired for the permanent collection of the Pérez Art Museum, Miami.
Moe’s work will be shown at The Winter Sculpture Fair - Nirox Sculpture Park’s highly acclaimed annual exhibition taking place from the 9 – 10 May 2015. Featuring only work of exacting quality, this year's show will boast 60 contemporary works by 40 artists, making it the largest and most ambitious sculpture exhibition in the country.
Moe will be featured in ‘The Poetics of Relation’, a group exhibition at the Pérez Art Museum, Miami from 29 May – 18 October 2015. The show explores shifts in the sensibilities and global outlook of artists whose work engages the historical legacy of trauma caused by colonialism and migration. More info here
Moe is part of a group show, ‘Slow Violence’ on at the GUS Gallery, Stellenbosch until 23 May 2015.
Moe participated in the Festval d'Arte Urbain in Antanavario, Madagascar from 4 - 5 October 2014.

Moe's work featured at The Winter Sculture Fair - Nirox Sculpture Park's annual sculpture exhibition.
PRESS: MAIL&GUARDIAN: 'Nature nurtures Cradle's Art' by Medeine Tribinevicius